Eggo or Maple?
This morning I made my favorite pancake recipe and served my children pancakes for breakfast. Mmm.. Mmm..Mmm!
We have been using maple syrup in our home for years until recently, I was shopping in Safeway late one night and Eggo pancake syrup happened to be on sale, buy one get one free. So, I thought I'd give it a try. Normally I stay away from artificial syrups of any sort, but daddy would much rather have the fake stuff so I thought I'd make him happy!
Just for your information: Eggo pancake syrup contains high frutcose corn syrup, corn syrup, water, sugar syrup, (isn't corn syrup sugar syrup?- I guess they just can't get enough:o)) natural and artificaial maple flavor, salt, potassium sorbate (presertative), caramel color.
Maple Syrup contains just 100% maple syrup! Now, we can get complicated and start discussing the different grades of Maple Syrup, but it's that simple...syrup from a tree...I know....that has been processed, but I can't get any closer to natural maple syrup fresh from the tree except for going to Safeway, Costco and buying it in bulk or from any other convienent store. Okay, thats the low down on eating pancakes in our house. Sometimes you just have to get through this conversation on our table because mom knows maple syrup is best, but dad thinks eggo syrup is the best!
Now for the famous pancake recipe:
2 cups all purpose flour
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt (very important)
1/4 cup sugar- this morning I used brown sugar and turned out perfectly fine!
2 eggs
2 tbsp oil
1 cup milk
Sift ( I never do) dry ingredients in bowl and stir in liquid ingredients with wire whisk or spoon untill mixed. Do not beat. Rub griddle or frying pan with butter or oil. Heat until water dropped from your hand bounces around. Drop about 1/2 ladel or one large mixing spoonful into pan for each pancake. Cook until bubbled all over the top and golden brown on bottom. Flip, cook until golden brown on other side. Keep your griddle very hot at all times.