Latest Reads

Books that I am currently reading:

The Hidden Art of Homemaking- By Edith Schaffer ~finished today! 10/17 (and loved it!)

Beyond Survival, A Guide to Abundant-Life Homeschooling- By Diana Waring

Biblical Womanhood in the Home- By Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Books that I am currently reading to my children:

The Cat of Bubastes: A Tale of Ancient Egypt- G.A. Henty

Bible- Judges Chapter 13-16 (Story of Samson)


Anonymous said…
As a friend of your mother I can tell you what a special person she truly is. So much of what you say hits to the heart of who she is. And the most important example of what a wonderful person she is is that she created a woman such as you who can put into words how much she means to you.

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