Busy Again!

I know that I haven't been consistent at posting regularly, but I have a good excuse....

We here at the Kanahele Household have been very busy lately with our business.

What kind of business, you might ask? Well, my husband creates beautiful Hawaiian heirloom jewelry and we just participated in a Christmas craft fair. Our very first craft fair that is, and it was a BIG one! The 20th annual Egstravaganza Christmas fair that they hold the week before thanksgiving here in Hilo.

My husband and I had lots of preparation to do as far as completing our sample line, prices, tweaking our presentation as it would look like at our booth, and much more. Not to mention having our five busy children in our schedule, daily. We didn't get much school done in the books, but there was much more to learn in other things like helping and watching out for one another and holding up the home while mom and dad were busy. I thank God for my ten year old. He was an awesome help! He may have not spent much time learning book stuff this week, but he learned responsibility and how to be a servant even when he didn't feel like it. I think he will be a wonderful husband one day.

Anyhow, I know this is loooong, but you might be thinking how the craft fair went... It was really fun! We walked away with many laughs and memories of nervousness and many learned things. Not very many sales, but wonderful exposure. Now a little more people know about us and were happy to find out about us. Our family looks forward to many more wonderful experiences and the blessings of selling our art whether it be at a craft fair, through word of mouth or possibly one day opening up our own store front!


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