Hi Crystal,
First of all, I'd like to start by saying how much I enjoy visiting your blog and website! Thank you for being such a great example to us young women. I am a SAHM homeschooling mother of 5 children and I love my job! Anyhow, to the question... I am also a frequent visitor to Mrs. Wilt's blog and awhile back I was really impressed with the way you responded to one of her posts regarding a disagreement she had with another sister in Christ. You had quickly and thoughtfully responded to her by sending a box full of goodies and it wasn't just a small box, it was a big box FULL of goodies. What a way to lift someones spirits! It wasn't so much the goodies that impressed me as much as did your hospitality and generosity. I have also listened in on your interview with Cindy Rushton and you were praising your parents' generosity and spirit of giving and what an example they were of that. Wow! I like to give gifts to others whether through my time , a new 'something', for birthdays especially.... Jesus teaches us in His word to be generous and question is how do I give in abundance within a budget. Alot of times I find myself determining a gift depending on the cost even though I would have wanted to buy something nicer- and then the joy of giving is no longer present. How is it possible to be generous and at the same time be wise stewards with our resources? Thank you Crystal for your time. Have a wonderful day in the Lord!
In His Light ( all the way from Hawaii)
Heather Kanahele
And her response:
Thanks for your encouragement and a great question. I guess I don't have any pat answer for you but I often pray that the Lord would love through me and, as He gives me ideas to bless others, I try to follow through with them. Most of the items I give to others are things I have gotten free of charge or very inexpensively. For instance, most everything I sent to Mrs. Wilt were items I had on hand that I had in my gift shelf which I had gotten free of charge. I told her this in my note so she wouldn't feel like I had gone out and spent a whole bunch of money on her. :) I often give things away to others and tell them this so they don't feel in anyway obligated. I often give gifts which take my time, but don't necessarily cost me much. These are usually more meaningful. I'm also always on the lookout for very inexpensive items which would make great gift items, if I have extra money in my grocery budget or something, I'll pick it up and save it in my gift shelf when I need a gift for later.
Crystal Paine
Biblical Womanhood