My Latest Reads for December
Well, here are the books that I borrowed:
How to Organize Just About Everything- by Peter Walsh
Creating a Beautiful Home ~ from starting fresh to freshning up- inspiring ideas to help you turn your house into a warm welcoming home- by Alexandra Stoddard
Moosewood Restaurant Cooks for a Crowd
Jamba Juice Power- by Kirk Perron (founder of Jamba Juice)
On my quest to greater health, I am on another journey to trying to eat healthier, drink healthier and live healthier by taking care of my body through exercising and eating better. I feel soo much better when I take care of myself.
And I quote," Becoming more active is one of the most important things you can do to ensure better health, stave off future diseases, and boost your sex appeal. When you work out, brain chemicals, such as endorphins, adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine, are increased, which in turn can boost your mood! In fact, when those "feel good" chemicals are boosted through exercise your self-esteem may heighten. You may feel more pleasure. You may feel more alert. Exercise also helps combat the effects of stress and may help you sleep better"
~ Jamba Juice Power
This is soo true......And so reading is also a great way to relax and take time out for yourself. Try it! Visit your local library :o)
Other books that I am also going through presently, that I own ,are:
Gift of a Letter- by Alexandra Stoddard
Celebrate Simply~ your guide to simpler, more meaningful holidays and special occasions- by Nancy Twigg