Winter Cleaning

I started reorganizing around the house today. It wasn't quite easy as my Tori would pull things out of containers as I neatly put things in. She's in that phase where everything comes out whether in cupboards or containers or bags. Even though I was getting frustrated, she was having fun!!

I'm trying to go through the children's room. They are responsible for cleaning it up and maintaining their things, but lately it has gotten out of hand. When they're asked to clean, I'll go in there and it looks wonderful, but later I'll find that they just 'cleaned' things under their bed, on the side of their bed, in their drawers...all stuffed away!! So, today I decided to go in there and take a shot at it, needless to say that I did not finish. I swept under their bunk bed ( yes, I managed to fit under there:o))What did I find under there?: a ton of Lego's, dried cheerios, lot's of dust, dirty clothes, clean clothes, towels, videos, termite droppings, hmmm, what else... Well, that is gladly accomplished.

The boys clothes were in a nice wooden amoire until one day I decided it had to be removed. Clothes were always hanging out of it, drawers practically falling off the tracks half the time and I would find them using the bottom drawers as stools to reach the top drawers. So, I came up with the clever idea of buying a container for each boy to keeptheir clothes in, that way they can just shove all their clothes in the container and put the cover on it. Did that work? Of course not. Clothes are still left on the ground. Will I ever find a solution? I'm not so sure.. I think that it's just a part of living with boys. All I can do is keep on trying and hope that one day they will get it. Today I made sure there were'nt any surprises in their containers and got rid of the clothes they don't wear or are stoo small.

So, after all this....I ended up with going through the container with our videos in it that sits up on the shelf with the containers of their clothes. By now you can see that containers are popular around here. I love them, you know the kind you can buy fromWalmart for $5. They are perfect for putting your belongings in. I especially like the ones that you can't see through. I just label them according to whats in them. That way, everything is neatly tucked away and out of my sight. I can forget about how much stuff I like to hold on to! Tomorrow I'll try again-to finish the job.

To be continued.....


Eva said…
UH HUH, we have the clothes on the floor problem too, even with the grown boy.

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