Is it that time?

My husband is nearing the end of his vacation. I always get sad at about this time. I may be over reacting, but I really do love my husbands company. I guess, he spoils me and it's a nice break from having to do everything on my own.

We really didn't do anything special like go to the beach or go on a camping trip, but like Ash was saying, one of the best things he likes to do is just to hang out at home witht the family. Normally, I tend to want to go, go, go, and he wants to do nothing but stay at home. (He's a Fed Ex courier, so he's always on the go) So, I don't blame him. But this week was really special; hanging out at home.

We didn't go shopping only to find ourselves having to say "no" to the children about buying this and that or finding ourselves running after the babies. We didn't go anywhere out to eat, all homemade meals, so we stayed within our budget not having to fork out any money that we don't have to spend anyway.

Instead, we layed around, read books, sang songs together, played the guitar and ukulele's, cleaned the yard togehther, daddy is now the "new" barber (he did an awesome job at cutting Luke's hair yesterday, better job than I do), played on the computer, watched videos that we rented at the library ( we now know lots about the ancient civilizations), played leggo's, and not to mention, wrote on the blog. Everybody was happy! It was GOOD!


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