Heather here..

I know I haven't posted for a while, but I'm still around. I have been doing other things that need much of my time. Really, I have been putting blogging last on my list. I can't seem to manage my time wisely between being a wife, teacher, mother with five kiddos under my wings and blogging. I've read otherbloggers posts about being addicted to the internet etc.. I think I'm there! And I don't want to be there. I know that I can be much more productive with my time. Maybe, as I get more disciplined with my time then I can be trusted to turn the computer on when I can and not when I want. Yes, it really is a struggle, but I personally really need to chose one or the other. What is more valuable to me?

So, in the process of going over my priorities within the last few weeks, with Ash's help I have come up with half of my present schedule:

4:30am- wake up(send Ash off, clean up/dressed, load of laundry, put hot water on for tea)

5am - start devotions/prayer (time with the Lord)

6:30 -boys wake up (tidy the room, dressed, cleaned up) Mom- prepare breakfast

7am- Breakfast/kitchen clean up

7:30- Cody and Luke Personal Devotions; Mom- dress Olivia and Tori and feed them breakfast

8am- Mom, Olivia, Seth Bible story and coloring

9am- Family Worship (music/prayer)

9:15- Mom/Seth math, Cody and Luke individual math, Olivia quiet box (I'm working on different activities for her)

Studies and productive learning until our lunch hour

12pm- Lunch/kitchen clean up

12:30- Quiet Time/Rest 1:30- boys chores, Olivia and Tori nap

2:30- girls wake up from nap, boys free time

3-4pm- free play, mom prepare dinner

4:30- tidy up, showers for kiddos

5pm- dinner

5:30- kitchen clean-up

6pm- daddy comes home, kiddos get ready for bed and the next day, time with dad

7pm- wind down, read books, family worship

7:30- lights out for kids, mom/dad time together and personal interests

8:30- prayers,goodnight!

Monday's- mom/strength training,aerobic exercise 6pm

Wednesday's- mom/strength training,aerobic exercise 1:30pm Boys/Olivia, Judo @3-4

Saturday Mornings- mom/strength training,aerobic exercise

I'm still refining my schedule and I will share more later...when I have time to do that:o)

A web site that inspired me and has helped me over the years can be found here at Titus 2 Ministries


Eva said…
I'm with you! I waste to much time on the Internet too. I created a schedule for myself a few weeks ago, granted it isn't as full as yours...=), it really helps me stay on track throughout the day. If I stay on track, my reward is 30 minutes or so of wasted time on the Internet. Now I'm working on staying within that time limit.
Eva said…
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Marci said…
I can't believe you have time to work out your day is so busy I was exausted just reading it! Good for you that is the one thing I need to add to my day, I still need to stop and think of me every now and then. I am a nail tech (use to be) and my nails would be done once a week by me.Now I can't remember the last time I actually did my nails, or something to take care of me.
Anonymous said…
Hi Heather!

One thing that has helped me is to use a timer. I only allow myself 15 minutes at a time on the internet. It's like a little reward for getting my other work done.

I have to tell you, FlyLady.net has been my lifesaver. I wasn't sure how to manage everything in my demanding schedule until I got on her system. I'm still not perfect but I'm much, much better!

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