Can you sleep?

I can't....Okay, I am a dork. This is actually the second post I am making in one sitting. I kinda like this blog thing. I think I'm getting better at writing. Hey! Maybe, I should write a book. That's a great idea at, what time is it? That's 1:42 in the morning. All the while I am already thinking about the next day because it's still dark out there, but the next day is today.

What do I aspire to do today after I finally get some ZZZZ's? Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that I actually went to sleep quite early yesterday only to wake up at about 11:55 to use the potty and then couldn't get back to sleep and remembered that before I went to sleep yesterday that I wanted to do some reading on all you blogs. I learn alot and get inspired the most when I am up late when everyone else in the 'shoe' is sleeping and babies are not crawling all over me and I'm not feeling guilty that I'm on the computer when my children are taking turns in asking me to pay attention to them in some other kind of way, like "mommy, can you play outside with me?", or "mom, look what I made", or "mommy, can you read this book to me?"

Okay, back to what I aspire to do today and what I attempted to do yesterday to prepare for today:

* get up early after going to sleep late
* attempted- to wash the van
* prep lunch which will be enchilada's since we didn't have them last night
* iron church clothes- wanted to do that yesterday, but didn't. Will try again next week
* go to church
* come home and try to rest- I know what's best for me ...only thing, do I always do it??
If I can't rest, then I'll do other things, like sit around and casually plan meals for next week and look over my schedule for the week ahead of me. It's always a good thing! And probably a little more....It's also always a good thing to get some sleep once in awhile.


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