Homeschooling Preschoolers
The preschool years of home schooling I will always treasure. I would trade nothing for this precious time that I have and will spend with my children. These years have left a lasting impression upon my heart and the hearts of my children. There are times when I am making play dough with Olivia and Seth and Cody will say something like, " Mom, remember when you used to make play dough with me?". Not to mention that he still takes time to be a 'preschooler' and plays play dough. These children are so curious and excited about our world and there is soo much to teach them. They are like sponges and it is so rewarding to me as a mommy to see that when I am teaching my child to read he eventually retains the information and actually starts reading on his own! Praise God!
At this point, I have two that are no longer preschool age and I have three, who I would classify as 'preschool' age. I have not spent a ton of time with my younger ones doing 'preschool' things, but lately I have felt like I better not let these precious years go by without putting the time in creating lasting memories for my little ones. These children keep you young, I tell ya! During my personal 'inspiration' hour searching the internet I found some really awesome sites and they have really inspired me with great ideas that I have either tried before or will try for the first time. So, I thought I'd share them with you all. Enjoy!
At this point, I have two that are no longer preschool age and I have three, who I would classify as 'preschool' age. I have not spent a ton of time with my younger ones doing 'preschool' things, but lately I have felt like I better not let these precious years go by without putting the time in creating lasting memories for my little ones. These children keep you young, I tell ya! During my personal 'inspiration' hour searching the internet I found some really awesome sites and they have really inspired me with great ideas that I have either tried before or will try for the first time. So, I thought I'd share them with you all. Enjoy!