Charlotte Mason on Play

Following is an old journal entry that I have written on March 10, 2006: a very good reminder in rearing children...

I think I will start today with a quote that will help me, remind me and encourage me how "to train my children in the y they should go, that they may not depart,"- a scripture from the Bible

To help me be a better mother- from daily reminders from God through the wisdom of others' writings.

I will start today with Charlotte Mason- once again....

"the more they run, and shout, and toss their arms, the more healthful is the play. And this is the reason why mothers should carry their children off to lonely places, where they may use their lungs to their hearts' content without risk of annoying anybody. The muscular structure of the organs of voice is not considered; children love to indulge in cries and shouts and view-halloos, and this 'rude' and 'noisy' play, with which their elders have not much patience, is no more than natures way of providing for the due exercise of organs, upon whose working power the health and happiness of the child's future largely depend" Pg. 81 Volume 1 of Charlotte Mason's writings.

And now for my thoughts today 3-07-07.....

When I came across this passage in my reading, I was relieved to learn that it is quite natural for my growing children, especially boys to be 'loud' in their play. So, often, we're concerned that our children play quietly "don't make too much noise, or quiet down!" There is a time and place for this and that's why C.M. says" carry your children off to lonely places", well, unless you have really good neighbors that understand the need for your children's play.

I have to admit that at times I am a little concerned about my neighbors when it comes to my boys loud play outside. Thankfully, my neighbors understand. One day, I actually apologized for the noise and his response was, "that's cool that they do what they do, most kids don't get that and then you wonder why officials and specialists are labeling children with ADD." I agree. Nevertheless, there are children that really suffer from ADD or ADHD, but there would be a lot less cases if parents would just let their children be children.

If you would like to learn more about Charlotte Mason's philosophies and who she is visit these sites:

Charlotte Mason

More about C.M.

And still more..

Simply Charlotte Mason

Now you can get a clear picture of what C.M. promoted and taught in her schools. Out of the many approaches of homeschooling there are, C. M's approach and Classical Christian Education are ones that I embrace in our home. Have fun! And don't forget to let your children truly have fun in their play!


Eva said…
I love this post! thanks for the links. I used to always tell Noah... 'quiet down, or settle down' Then I just let him be. He screams so much! Talks so loudly, especially when he's excited. Bella enjoys his upbeat conversations. But when she is napping...I'm back to shhhhh'ing him. Or pushing him out the door to play in the yard(weather permitting)

My neighbor once commented on 'her right to live quietly.' said she needed it to think clearly. hmmmmm
oh well... we listen to her dog bark constantly, and put up with dog poop in the yard... so she can deal with a little noise. I speak to her often, and I think she's getting used to us. =)

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