Honey, oh How Sweet!

My son, eat honey because it is good,

And the honeycomb which is sweet to your taste;

So shall the knowledge of wisdom be to your soul...

Proverbs 24:13-14b

Recently Ash brought some honey home from one of his Fed Ex customers who makes honey as a hobby. In fact there is a big community of people who make raw honey and sell it here locally. I don't know about you, but my family loves honey. We use it on our bread dough, we like to toast fresh homemade bread and spread butter and honey on top. There's nothing like a good wholesome treat as this. I am just in awe at all the natural food resources we have here in the Big Island. We are soo blessed! This land that we live in is truly flowing with milk and honey. Thank You Jesus!


Eva said…
Okay... I want to be YOUR neighbor!!! This is so weird. Several weeks ago, I was online looking at property on the Big Island...again, then I ran across a site selling/producing organic kiawe honey. Since last summer, I got this crazy idea that I want to learn the art of bee keeping. Jaime of course thinks I'm a bit wacky..hahah I told him he could harvest the honey. He isn't too keen on the idea. HAAA! I think it would be so cool, and what a great way to show Noah where honey (we love it too) comes from.

Alright, enough day-dreaming. =) Eat some bread and honey for me!
HMMM, I really want to be your neighbor..hahaha Time will tell.
Heather said…
We really want you guys for our neighbor! Can't wait til that day comes hehe!
And by the way, you never know your dreams may come true- about you being a bee keeper. I'll be right there with you harvesting the honey!!
Anonymous said…
Interesting to know.

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