Happy Birthday Seth!
He's 7 years old today. I can't believe how time has gone. From being a little bitty baby to a tall 7 year old. ( He's like the tallest of all his 7 year old friends and he's almost as tall as Luke and Cody)What a sweet heart he is. Just yesterday Cody (yes Cody) was crying about getting another fishing pole. We're going camping today and of all the fishing poles that we have ever owned we don't have one that is still in tact. In fact, I don't think they last even a few months here in this house. Frustrating, but true. Well anyway, our biggest boy, go figure, was upset because we won't let him buy yet another one not even with his own money... Seth noticed his brother distraught and came to me to say he wanted to buy his brother a fishing pole with his birthday money. I told him,"but it would be YOUR birthday money" and he said "that's
okay.. "This is his nature and I just thank the Lord for such a sweet heart as a son. Thank You Jesus for Seth! Seth is the "Birthday Boy" as Olivia would say it. Ash told her this morning that it was Seth's birthday and Olivia says, " Oh, he's the 'Birthday Boy!". Happy birthday, "Birthday Boy!"
Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
For they shall be called sons of God.
Matthew 5: 7-8
Seth, even though you don't know me very well...if even at all, I'll never ever forget your birthday... and here is why.
The day you were born, your dad called Jaime, to tell him his 3rd son had arrived that morning. Jaime called me, I was in college, working on a stressful project with some classmates, but I had a few hours before I had to be at class, so I drove to the hospital, very eager to meet you, and welcome you into this world.
When I walked in, your mom had Cody and Luke squeezed into bed with her, she looked tired but beautiful. A proud mother. You were sleeping next to her bed in the hospital cradle thingy. Your dad was grinning from ear to ear, even more so than usual. I felt giddy, then embarrased. I had imposed on your family's private bonding time.
To make a long story short... I saw some blood, felt dizzy,(yes, I have a weak stomach) so I decided to go for a walk. I ended up at the bathroom and started to enter. That's all I remember. I woke up next to the toilet. My tooth went through my lip and was chipped. I still have the scar, I'll show you this summer.
Then when you turned 2, I was pregnant with Noah, in fact he was due on April 5th. We attended your birthday celebration at a beach park in Hau'ula. I marveled at how much you had grown in 2 little years!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Enjoy your camping!
I felt so bad for you..
I was wondering how it was that you remembered Seth's birthday. And you did come to Seth's party really pregnant!! So, Noah's b day is when ?
You can't be beat when it comes to remembering b days!
Thanks Eva, for being such a great and faithful friend.