Hawaii: A Colorful Place

Recently Hilo celebrated it's annual Merrie Monarch Festival, the famous festival in honor of the dance of Hula, Kahiko (ancient dance) and awana (modern dance) as they would call it. At this time of year many people migrate here from around the world to take part in the week long festivities. For four nights, competitions are held in anticipation to find out who the new Miss Hula will be.

We have never physically attended any of the shows on competition nights, but from what I hear tickets sell out almost a year in advance. For those who don't get to actually be there, it airs live every night of the show on television. It is really exciting to watch the excitement that goes on and all the hard work that each group or halau put into their hula. What I love is seeing all the different peoples of the world congregating together and there is soo much Aloha in the air! Not one person is alike, obviously. God has created so many beautiful races. And that's what Hawaii is.....a place where many cultures live together, a mixed plate: Chinese, Filipino (that's what I am), Japanese, Portuguese, Germans, Irish, Koreans, and of course Hawaiians and the many different Polynesians and many more.

Each year a parade is put together to go through Hilo town to represent the peoples of our city and also to represent each of the Hawaiian Islands. This year we had exceptionally beautiful weather. The sky was a brilliant blue , the sun was hot and it seemed as if everybody had left their house to come out and enjoy the festivities. While Ash and his mom were at the craft fair showing our jewelry, the kids and I were having fun in busy Hilo town on this fun filled Saturday. We ended up at King Kalakaua Park where there was a performance being put on by one of the local halaus. As I sat there with my children in the hot sun watching the beautiful hula by girls of all ages, I was not bothered by the sun beating on my back... I was simply reminded of what a beautiful place we live in. A place where color is usually not an issue, at least not more than any other place that I have visited. And I am thankful that I live here. Hawaii is......a colorful place, a place of Aloha! (of LOVE)


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