What Have I Been Up To??

Hmm.... Let me see....

Since our camping trip things have been busy around here and full of life.

We attended our second craft fair at the famous Merrie Monarch festival to advertise our jewelry. It lasted a long four days, but it was an awesome experience!! We met lots of people and received many comments from people who appreciated the quality of Ash's art. My wonderful mother-in-law was also here to help us with the kids. She and I took turns manning the booth with Ash at the fair. I can't describe how much fun it was to be a part of this invitational craft fair and how much of a blessing it was.

After the whole craft fair thing was done all we needed to do and are still doing is to get things back in order. For a while we have been putting things on hold like the kids formal studies and our normal routine so that we could prepare for the fair. It was well worth it.

I was immediately back to the computer refreshing my memory on how to manage a home , home school 3 kids, a toddler and a baby and take care of my husband, all the while staying sane. Thanks to Jesus and His amazing grace!! I was up with sleepless nights delving on the Internet for information to inspire me, motivate me and encourage me to do again what I have ultimately been called to do. It's been hard lately to stay focused and even when I pray my mind gets all jumbled up with other thoughts of what I have to do or what's next on my list and so on, but God is good, all the time! I will still praise Him and offer up to Him my heart.

So, with all the searching and refreshing I've found some new sites that I love and I have run across many that I have had as my favorites for a long while. I don't know if you can relate, but with all the information, I've been on my bed with an article or a book in my hand and all through the night I'll be reading then falling asleep and then reading and falling asleep trying to soak in all the information hoping that I'll remember everything and then hoping that I'll be able to incorporate it into my home and teaching the children. To my surprise, I've been waking up tired not knowing where to start.

Okay, my husband , not being oblivious to what's going on in his home has finally sit me down and given me instructions to follow what he says. In other words, I have come to the realization that I have not been trusting God through my husband knowing that whatever my husband says will be okay. And , yes, I am on another journey on learning how to put ALL my trust in the Lord, without fear, obeying my husband. Although today is the very first day in obeying my husband , it has been a good thing. Putting your trust in the Lord is a Real good thing!

You know the funny thing?? All the information and instructions that Ash has given to me is right in line with what I have been spending sleepless nights trying to learn. And he didn't even spend one minute reading any of the books or searching the websites that I have been searching. I just thank God for this wonderful life he has given me..my husband, my children, my friends and all!!!

Oh yeah, my mom is visiting on Friday with my nephew Braden. They'll be staying for about 5 days. It's been a whole six months since she's visited! I can't wait to see them. And to top it off, she called to let me know she wants Ash and I to go on a date on Friday night and she'll watch all the kids!! I can't wait. I look forward to date nights with my husband:o)

Oh , one more thing!! Ash has completed the finish line today with all the prerequisites of entering the Hawaii Fire Department. He had his very final exam which was a physical and the doctor said he looked just fine. Sigh! We did it. Now we have to wait for the official letter in the mail and wait a minute.....3 more weeks of Fed Ex!!! Wow! Thank you all for your prayers. Praise God! Thank You for all that You do and your provision in our lives.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28


Eva said…
Wow Guys!
CONGRATULATIONS...on everything! Sounds like there is lots going on on your end. =)

FedEx career coming to and end. Wow!!! Obeying your husband... double wow!! I've resorted to hurling things at my darling husband. And... Ummm, sometimes objects come flying right back at me! HA
Merry Monarch! So much excitement! I bet you all are a bit exhausted!

Have a great time with your mom and Braden. Tell them we say hello!
Heather said…
You're soo funny Eva! I think I've passed that stage of throwing things at my husband hehehehe!!!! It never worked for me....he just laughed at me and I just got angrier...

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