The Best Restaurant in Town

It's a hit! It's located right here in Papaikou, Hawaii. It's a little cottage type building, painted with the nicest color green paint I've ever seen, topped off with a beautiful white trim. It has a super view of the ocean. The service is awesome and the food is the best I've ever tasted. And it has been frequented by a gentleman named Seth and a lady named Olivia. Yep, you guessed! The best restaurant in town is 'The Kanahele kafe'. And you've gotta try it! You won't be sorry!

On the menu:

Ahi Pasta with roma tomatoes and capers and whole wheat broiled bread topped with parmesean/mozarella cheese

This has been Seth's and Olivia's favorite pastimes during the meal hour. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner is when they eat at this most popular restaurant. If you decide to go, you will find a candle to accompany your meal with the most beautiful table cloth (a faded blue baby blanket!) They would love to bring you along someday! Let them know when you'd like to make reservations. They know the ins and outs of everything.

Oh, I forgot to mention.....the the best in town, hehehe!

Olivia's own words when she see's the photos, "Ohh cute!! It's like a date! ( I've been telling her about how daddy and I go on dates like once a year and what it's like). She will be going on one of her own dates with daddy in about a week. They plan to go to a nice restaurant and then will go see a 'Cinderella' play together. I plan to be ambitious and make her date dress, but I'll probably end up buying one for her. Olivia can't stop talking about it. By the way, she says she's going to marry daddy :o) It makes me all bubbly and happy inside when I think of my daughter growing up having one of the best daddy's in the world. And she's totally in love with him and I am too!

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