Mother's Day Treasures

I hope you all had a beautiful Mother's Day!

As my gift for Mother's Day, I was able to go to the fabric store and buy material. You're probably wondering material??? Yes, material has been on my mind and what I can create with it, if I can even get to that point.

I ended up at the fabric store on Monday afternoon and here is what I found....

I found all of them reduced in price, some for a 1.99 a yard, some at 2.50 a yd. Most of them, I got just a yard or two because I still don't know what I'm going to make. I know the possibilities are endless.....handbags, dresses for the girls, coasters, place mats, fun aprons...the list can go on. I've been searching on the internet for ideas, browsing etsy, and inspiring blogs for ideas. The tricky part is to try to find decent time to actually sit down to sew. Late night hours has been the only option lately. I can't seem to figure out how all these other mothers who still have children at home find soo much leisure time. I'm lucky if I can get a half hour of uninterrupted time. Today my littles were back to their nap schedule. I hope the nap time might give me some time to get my creative juices started or even to put my hands to the machine.

So far, I've experimented by making a tote bag, not realizing until almost done that I needed a liner. Learning how to insert the liner and the handles is yet another hurdle I have to get over. I know it must be quite simple once I get over these hurdles and then hopefully, I'll be soaring because my little girl here is counting on me to sew her a dress and real soon. I completed my very first one for Olivia earlier this spring. It's time for the second one.

This afternoon when I finally had a little time, I set out to cut out a pattern for a girls dress. I completed that and then I was ready to pin the pattern to the material. There was a problem! I didn't quite know how to place it on the material with the folds and selvage and all. These patterns still look like french to me. I convinced myself that I either need to ask lots of questions from someone who is more experienced in sewing , borrow books from the library or find a sewing class.

In the mean time, I am growing impatient because of course I want to be awesome at sewing in less time than it really takes. I wish it could be that way for everything!! I still have a garden plot waiting in the yard for me. The plot is marked off, the soil is tilled and rid of all weeds. It's just bell pepper plants are waiting for me too.

I think a big part of everything and even other people waiting on me is fear. Fear of failure, trying to do something and not having the right outcome , not having confidence that I can do it! I am tired of this fear and I will not let it take the place of possibilities and hope. With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26) For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind (2Timothy 1:7)

So, this day forward with my material, with my garden, with my home school and God on my side I will soar to different places and I will experience a life of freedom and liberty. And I will create beautiful things upon my sewing machine and vegetables will grow in abundance, and my home school will flourish. Who wants to join me?

But those who wait on the Lord

Shall renew their strength;

They shall mount up with wings like eagles,

They shall run and not be weary,

They shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31


Eva said…
I will join you! Isn't it crazy how we put things on hold because we are so worried it won't be perfect??? It doesn't need to be perfect. Really. Who's perfect anyways? Not me. No one I know. I'm so excited to see what beautiful imperfect things you make with your sewing machine! The fabric is so nice! I love the green polka dot one.

Now that we have our little girl... I need to break out the sewing machine too. I'm deathly afraid of it. My goal is to learn next year. This year is dedicated to gardening. =) Now that I've gotten over my fear and actually planted things, the outcome has been very rewarding, even if we don't actually get to eat any of it. It's a learning experience.

It may be slow going at times, you have a lot of shoes to fill(and you fill them well!) ...wife, mother, teacher, friend, etc I know you will overcome your hurdles and make anything you want to make with your sewing machine. Enjoy!
Jen said…
Heather, Thanks for reading "Blessings!" I love your blog, too. Five God's grace be upon you:) I, too, want to learn to sew and have completed a cute baby play mat/bag. I had to take lessons. I needed that visual example. I was able to trade lessons for food. I made my teacher a meal in exchange for each lesson. It was worth it. But, I had to stop when #3 was born because I didn't have time. Reading your post made me want to try again, though.
Marci said…
Come on jump on the band wagon with me!! Sewing is learning while you do it. I have to diaper bags I made and totally love. I will have to blog them soon. I can't wait to see what you make!

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