Within the past year I started buying IVORY soap bars (the green one), it's supposed to be a melon scent, I believe, well I really don't remember...all I do know is that it's a really pretty light green color wrapped in a light green paper. Personally, I'd much rather use shower gel, but my dear husband likes his bar soap, so to keep all costs down I found the famous IVORY green bar soap in a bulk package for something like $4. I have never liked IVORY soap, the white one, the smell is too strong for me, so the green will do and has done us well in the last year or so. The green IVORY soap has not only done us well in keeping us clean, but it has done me well to inspire me and make me really appreciate the simple things in life. When I first purchased the soap I noticed that there were quotes on the front of each of the light green papers that cover the light green soap. Some of the quotes that are on the packaging are as follows:

"Family is natures way of providing us friends"

"Happiness is a warm bath"

"Complicating life is easy. The genius is in the simple things."

"Making the simple complicated is easy.Making the complicated simple is brilliant"

Nevertheless, God's word surpasses any quote that anybody has ever made up or has said it's just that every time I go to take a bath and I have to grab a new bar of soap these quotes just make me think and remind me that life is made to be simple and not complicated like I sometimes like to make it. It makes me feel all bubbly inside!


Chris said…
I saw this quote "Making simple things complicated..." too, which was brilliant. I thought Ivory borrowed it from someone but it is theirs. I couldn't find this quote elsewhere. Great quote to follow.
Anonymous said…
I read a article under the same title some time ago, but this articles quality is much, much better. How you do this?

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