HFD 36th Recruit Class

Okay, for those of you who might be interested in seeing photos of my hard working, sweat wrenching husband in the middle of training here's the link: HFD 36th Recruit Class .

Just to let you know, he's been coming home sore all week from the physical training, doing lots of homework and studying for exams. He hasn't even come home yet today..it's 6:15 PM...because his class is volunteering in cleaning up the building where the blood bank was held for today.

They weren't joking when they warned the families it would be a rough year...it's fun though to see the pictures and hear all the things that they had to go through for the day. There's no doubt that they'll all be in shape and ready for the job when the training is done.

Wow! Fire men what heroes, especially my Fireman...to be :o)


Eva said…
Yay Ash!! We're cheering for you!

We are cheering for you too Heather, as you tirelessly care for & nurture your family. Hang in there! You can do it! =)

Jaime works long hours too, and is away from home all day, from 6am-7pm. it's tough sometimes. How do you do it all?

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