First Bikes

Victoria (21 months) on her very own bike

Olivia (almost four) on her first bike

Do you remember your first bike? Maybe the first time you rode without your training wheels? I do and I'll never forget that.

Buying a bike for Olivia meant also buying a bike for Tori. I guess those are the perks of being a little sister who thinks she needs to have exactly what her big sis has. Usually I wouldn't give in but this time it made perfect sense. I couldn't picture taking Olivia to the park with her new bike without Tori constantly badgering her big sister to get off, let alone trying to fight her way onto the seat. So, that's what we did today while the boys were on their trip with grandpa and grandma. Olivia got some extra cash for her birthday and decided she wanted to buy a bike with her money. After our ordeal of getting help to get the bike down and Victoria practically jumping out of the cart and hurting the inside of her lip pretty bad at Walmart, we headed to Ross ( old faithful) and found a perfect sized bike for Tori. This evening after I finally put together Tori's bike we headed for a bike ride. The joys of watching little girls for the first time on their bikes. They had so much fun, they were pooped only after a half an hour.


Eva said…
Oh My! They are too cute for words! So adorable. I remember my first bike too... how my dad ran around our cul-de-sac for most of the day as I learned to ride without my training wheels.
Anonymous said…
Oh so cute! Tori looks as big as Oli. Wish I could be there!
Anonymous said…
Hi Heather,
I got it! Now to see if I can get this comment posted . . . a test of my tech skills.
The girls are sooooooo cute! Olivia looks like the SWEETHEART and Tori looks like she's thinking of what kind of bike tricks she's going to perform.
Love it!

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