A Party for Olivia

Olivia started asking about her fourth birthday about two months ago and requested a party with friends. She was very specific...she wanted it at the beach with a pinata. For awhile she contemplated about what theme she wanted. I think it went from a monkey party to a pony party. So, My little pony it was and we got busy planning for it. She kept on asking how much longer til her birthday and it was a great opportunity to get out the calendar and chart the days and introduce her to the different months of the year. She had a wonderful time with her family and friends at Onekahakaha Beach Park!


Eva said…
Happy Birthday Olivia! Hope you had a great party, and a wonderful visit with your grandparents! Eat some cake and ice cream for us!
Anonymous said…
Oli, grandma sent your present yesterday, so look for it today
Happy Birthday 4 year old.
Luv Ya,

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