Milk, It Does a Body Good
We are fortunate here on the island. KTA, the grocery store that I frequent most of the time and give all our money to are supporters of local products. As seen on the milk carton you can see the Mountain Apple Brand stamp which means it is a local product. And even if most products that are free of rBGH (Bovine Growth Hormone) say that there is no significant difference found in the product from ones that do not claim free of rBGH, our local Mountain Apple Brand milk bought from KTA is free of rBGH. The same with our local selection of meats. We also have the option to buy Mountain Apple Brand Meat which is grass fed beef. I think it's really neat that we have these choices in our local grocer and that we are supporting local farmers.
Can you find a prettier milk carton than the one found here on the Big Island?? And yes, it's true that milk does a body good, raw milk that is, but if you can't get that than I'm actually learning that milk with the most fat is healthier for you ,so whole milk, preferably non homogenized and pasteurized. If you want to read more about this, you might want to go out and borrow the latest book on health that I have been reading, Nourishing Traditions. Happy Health to you!