A.J. is here!

Ashley Hueu Jr. has arrived and yes, I know it's a late notice....We've been so blessed to have Ash's mom here with us for several days to help us. Though I'm stubborn and I still got up and did things that I probably should have left alone, it was nice having her company, knowing that when Ash wasn't able to be home , his mom was there to back me up.

Anyhow, he was born on Tuesday night @8:05, January 22, that would be on Cody's birthday! He weighed in at 6.8 oz. and was 19 in. He was expected to come more likely on Luke's birthday, which is January 31, since baby was due January 30th, but decided to come a week early. All was well with the labor and delivery. I ended up staying in the hospital til Friday evening for various reasons. I actually enjoyed myself in there. I got to watch lot's of uninterrupted t.v. and enjoyed all the cooking and home shows, we have no cable at home, so it was quite nice. I was spoiled with meals served to me and just a nice peaceful time, almost like a retreat for little A.J. and I.

I am just so grateful for all the gracious people who helped us. That includes the Brown family who took care of our children and treated them as their own, the Doi's who dropped off a box full of dinners and of course my mom in law who caught up with all my laundry and did all the other house cleaning and helping us with the kiddos and my sister in law Loha who took the kids off my hands for a few hours at a time, bought groceries for us and cooked meals. Oh and I can't forget those who kept us in your prayers! I thank God for you all and love you very much.

We have been soo very blessed with such a special gift as A.J. Baby Ash, you are so loved by all of your brothers and sisters and mommy and daddy! Children are indeed a blessing from the Lord!

Psalm 127:3-4


Eva said…
OH MY!! He is so precious! Congratulations Kanahele's!! I almost called you this past weekend,but I figured you had your hands full. Can't wait to meet little A.J. in person some day.

Heather I hope you are well. You deserve every bit of pampering you received in the hospital and more!

Take great care of yourself, and I hope you get some rest. We've been thinking of you for days on end..=) Glad to hear all is well. Thanks so much for the update.

Love you!

Marci said…
Congratulations!! I have been checking your blog to see when the little man was arriving. He is gorgeous!
Heather said…
thanks you guys, for your beautiful comments.
Congratulations Ash and Heather on your beautiful son. God shows his grace and love everytime a child is born.
E pili mau na pomaika`i ia `oe,
The Correia's
Jen said…
Congrats and (((HUGS)))! He is beautiful and I'm so glad to hear you are all doing so well. Blessings to you all!

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