Created for Work

After a long while of not visiting my favorite store, Salvation Army, I finally had a few moments to browse today. Nothing much caught my eye so the last resort was the book section. While pondering over the books, I found a treasure. Just love it when that happens! A book I've always been curious about, Created for Work: Practical Insights for Young Men By Bob Schultz. After skimming through it and reading the first chapter to Cody I knew I was a whole 25 cents.
The book is talking to young men about Cody's age and beyond about how to work with all your heart, not as a requirement or out of drudgery, but really taking ownership and doing your best...going the extra mile. Awesome stuff!
The author has written several other wonderful books on raising your childern. I've gotta say he does an awesome job at imparting wisdom and relating it to what the Bible teaches us.
Work while you work,
Play while you Play,
This is the way to be happy each day.
All that you do, do with your might,
Things done in halves are never done right.
One thing each time and that done well,
Is a very good rule, as many can tell.
Moments are useless trifled away,
So work while you work,
Play while you play.
-M.A. Stodart
Love you!