The Beauty Around Us
Some of the best gifts are the ones all around us, the ones that usually go unnoticed. As I take a walk with my children I can't help but marvel at the beauty all around us. I can't help but to think about the beauty of our Creator and how good he is to us to give us these gifts to enjoy. Everything is so beautiful around us. Every tree, every creature, every person. Even in the midst of a challenging day just to step outside and look around at the wonders that God made. To think that we don't have to travel miles to see the ancient wonders of the world like the Great Pyramid of Giza, but in our own backyards whether big or small every created thing is a wonder because God made it all. And how blessed we are to be able to enjoy these wonders. He is full of Beauty.
Thank you Lord for the gift you have given me to see, to smell, to touch and the words and mouth to proclaim the beauty of your creation. I love you!
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