Passion, I return to You........

It is that time, time that I Return....return to this place.  Over the past several years that I have logged memories of my family I have been delighted to go back and remember all the moments that our little life gives.  Thanks to Jesus of course, for this little life.  That is what we are....little, but BIG in his eyes.  I am forever grateful for everything...though at times we seem to see through these dimmed eyes that life is mundane. The same thing, time and again. Slowly I begin to understand, once again,  that as life starts to feel this way it is time to return to your Passion.  What is your Passion?  I ask myself this.  My first and foremost passion is Jesus.  I am a lover of my Savior. What are the passions that my Giver gives to me?  My family of course.... and within my little family what are those passions.  It's like those little nestled Russian dolls that are are all so cozy and nestled up within each's like that, this life.  A package that my Giver gives all nestled up within. He gives us passion, a Passion within us.  What do we do?  They either sleep within us or we allow them to come alive.  How do we cultivate the life of these passions nestled within us?  It is a question of Courage.  A question of Freedom, of Liberty.  Do we allow our selves to give these passions a try...oh fear....paralyzed when it overcomes....but what is this life when we let fear creep in? Joy, depletes. Life, though we live...fear makes these die. Do we give in to Joy promised or fear that robs?  He is the Great I AM.  The Giver of Life.  A life of Joy.  Full of Passion!  Come Alive and Arise.  These Passions within me, Come Alive!


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