Am I commited to my calling, my responsibilities? Well, this mornings devotional challenged me to think about this.....
John 3:4
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
I stared at the paring knife at my feet. That alone meant leaning over my expanding middle. Picking things up was not convenient. I looked at my husband. He took pity and retrieved the knife for me.
Pregnancy and motherhood are two things that no woman who has experienced them would ever call them convenient! Morning sickness, physical exams, and waddling around like a walrus are not convenient. Nor are wiping noses, answering countless questions (sometimes the same ones), picking up toys, and washing piles of laundry on the list of most sought-after jobs.
Convenience is the byword of our society. Unfortunately, much of what truly matters in life is not convenient. Imagine associating "convenient" with God. John 3:16 would take on new meaning: "For God found it convenient so he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish." Suddenly salvation is reduced to something "doable".
Motherhood and salvation have little to do with convenience and everything to do with commitment. Commitment means doing all the things that are not easy but necessary. Commitment gives immense value and dignity to all that is done, because commitment is costly. Commitment cost Jesus his life. Commitment costs a mother time and energy.
But, oh, the rewards! Would any Christian wish that Jesus had chosen convenience? Does any mother who knows that her children are "walking in truth" think of her sacrifice?
Today I choose commitment over convenience, and I pray for help to live that way.
By Kathleen F. Turner
I cleaned, did laundry, started tonights dinner, finished packing for our trip, and did a little baking. Our flight leaves early in the morning, now we have some food to eat at the airport while we're waiting. And... Noah loved baking with me this morning! We are much better prepared now for our trip, and our bellies will be happy. No expensive airport food for us!!