I Wonder
During the day as we are going through the motions we forget so easily about what a blessing our children are to us. We get so busy. Some days it feels as if all I did was tell the kids what to do. All day. I wonder if I even had dialouge with my children about anything else than to do this or to do that. Am I just merely letting the days go by without taking the time to build relationships with my children? If the only reason I have children is to tell them what to do then when it's time for them to leave our home it was just that. They fulfilled their duty to mom and dad and now it's all up to them to live life and I never made the time to get to know who they really are. What would make them want to come back? Is that what it is?
Am I taking the time to sit and get to know my children? Am I taking the time to play and laugh with my children? Sometimes at the end of my day I wonder, then I go to sleep and thank my Father in Heaven that it's an awesome thing that my children are so forgiving and that they love me just because. Is that how our Father's love is?
Am I taking the time to sit and get to know my children? Am I taking the time to play and laugh with my children? Sometimes at the end of my day I wonder, then I go to sleep and thank my Father in Heaven that it's an awesome thing that my children are so forgiving and that they love me just because. Is that how our Father's love is?